Good Health
Health and safety are of great importance. So is a good work-life balance. In line with the SDG, we ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all our people in the office, on the road and in the warehouses. We invest in improved equipment and continuously tighten our procedures to further reduce the risk of accidents. Versteijnen wants employees to be healthy and happy. For instance, Versteijnen offers opportunities for organized participation in various sports events or programs, for example Alpe d’huzes or personal training for employees to lose weight. Versteijnen has an eye for its environment. We help people who are less fortunate in life and undertake activities together with various charities. As an example we have people on the payroll with a distance to the labor market to provide several activities without pressure. Another example is the invitation of several families with seriously ill children to our 75 years anniversary event last year.