Always learning
After nearly five years as a truck driver, Nikki made the switch to the office side of Versteijnen. She currently works in the CPL department, where she is responsible for arranging schedules for drivers involved in loading and unloading. Although Nikki emphasizes that she didn’t necessarily want to leave the truck, she explains, “I felt very comfortable in the truck, but when this opportunity arose, I was curious if this office role would be something for me. I’m still young and eager to learn as much as possible at Versteijnen.”
A world of difference
After spending about three months behind the desk, Nikki feels at home. The transition took some getting used to, as she jokingly remarks, “It’s really fun to work in the office now, but it’s a world of difference from the truck. In the truck, I could do whatever I wanted, since I was alone. Like singing along loudly with the radio. If I do that now, there are of course a few people who look at me strangely.” In addition to the enjoyment and learning opportunities in the office, Nikki also appreciates the structured work hours: “I have a bit more structure now. In the truck, you often didn’t know exactly when you’d be finished or how long you’d be on the road. That’s very different in the office, so I notice that I have a bit more free time now.”
More structure
The increased structure in her work is reflected in Nikki’s daily routine. “I come in and then we discuss the day. Then I spend the entire day helping drivers with loading and unloading, and at the end of the day, we make sure that the routes for the next day are ready. We also ensure that all CMRs that have been returned are filed behind the orders so they can be invoiced. Essentially, we make sure that everything runs smoothly for our drivers.”
Getting to know
Versteijnen better Nikki is satisfied with her new role: “I really enjoy working here. I learn something new every day, and I have gotten to know the company Versteijnen much better. When I was in the truck, I only came here to load and unload, but now I’m in contact with many more people within the company. I’m involved daily with the warehouse, the drivers, and the colleagues in the office. I find that variety really cool.”
Gender equality in the workplace
Nikki mentioned last year that she experienced few differences in tasks compared to her male colleagues. This remains unchanged in her new role: “Fortunately, I don’t notice anything here about being a woman; I’m treated just like any other colleague, and that’s very nice. When I stepped out of the truck, there were occasionally people who were surprised that I was a woman, but there’s no such thing in the office.” When asked if she will ever hit the road again, Nikki hesitates to answer. “I can’t predict the future. I feel very comfortable where I am now, but I also really enjoy working as a driver. I’ll just see what the future holds at Versteijnen.”